Preview of the Africa Collection

June 30, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Preview of Africa Collection #8Preview of Africa Collection #8filename: a7r01477

In January of this year I had the very special opportunity to travel to Africa with three close friends on a personally planned private photo safari.  We spent most of the time in northern Tanzania in and around Serengeti National Park.  Here we observed and photographed the wonderful diversity of wildlife.  The end of the trip culminated in the rain forests in the highlands of Rwanda where we visited the endangered Mountain Gorillas in their native habitat.

The trip was an incredible experience for me on so many levels - truly a top five bucket list item - but I hope to be able to experience this again. In three weeks I took over 30,000 photos!  These have been curated down to about 800 and I expect to eventually post about 100 here in future galleries.  The sorting and editing has literally taken months but I am thrilled with the results.  I consider many of the photos as my best work ever.

The close up photos of these animals are like human portraits that somehow are able without words convey individual personalities. There is something amazing about looking directly into the eyes of a Mountain Gorilla in the wild that is only a few feet away as he looks back and studies you.  I hope be able to share this same sense of awe with you though the photographs I have captured.  

As a sneak preview of what is coming I have posted an African Collection Preview Gallery.  These are just some of my favorites from the trip showing the diversity and beauty of the wildlife encountered.  Over the next several months more galleries will follow.  Follow along as they are revealed - you will get a taste of the adventure, and likely be tempted to visit yourself.

In addition to the photos I will be sharing travel stories, observations on the wildlife and Africa, commentary on equipment and shooting techniques, and suggestions for things to consider if wish to plan a similar trip. So please stay tuned and enjoy. Please be sure to sign-up here to receive announcements of the new gallery posts. Also please share this site with friends who might enjoy the beauty of Africa by using the SHARE link at top right to share this site via e-mail or social media.

Thank for helping me get the word out, and I hope you enjoy the photos to come.

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